Panzer Scatle
Pastor Branco Suíço
Panzer Scatle
Pastor Branco Suíço
Sexo Macho
Nascimento: 26/08/2009
Cor Branco
HD: HD- / A
ED: Grau 0
Descendentes: 6
Lance V.D. Thimberhoeve
Odin Calo of the Heart of Lothian
Candy van de Timberhoeve
Nice Loek of the Heart of Lothian
Magic White's Caltha
Tumbledown's Macho
Laska van de Timberhoeve
Lupytta Scatle
Holy Chief of the Heart of Lothian
Lady Andrea Scatle
Iskandar Lothian vom Werntal
Tinka's Frenja
Krotetsky's Dino
Neve Horst von Ruff