Nossos Cães


Madellaine Scatle

Pastor Branco Suíço



Madellaine Scatle

Pastor Branco Suíço


  • Sexo Fêmea

  • Nascimento: 28/10/2021

Fale com o Criador Agora Fale com o Criador Agora Conheça o pedigree


Jack Scatle Jack Scatle

Jack Scatle

Swiss Edition Always in Love Swiss Edition Always in Love

Swiss Edition Always in Love

Kika Princess of Scatle Kika Princess of Scatle

Kika Princess of Scatle

Vin Diesel of Haely's Future Vin Diesel of Haely's Future

Vin Diesel of Haely's Future

Swiss Edition Dèja vu Swiss Edition Dèja vu

Swiss Edition Dèja vu

Lance V.D. Thimberhoeve Lance V.D. Thimberhoeve

Lance V.D. Thimberhoeve

Lupytta Scatle Lupytta Scatle

Lupytta Scatle




Elissandra Scatle Elissandra Scatle

Elissandra Scatle

Panzer Scatle Panzer Scatle

Panzer Scatle

Gretha Scatle Gretha Scatle

Gretha Scatle

Lance V.D. Thimberhoeve Lance V.D. Thimberhoeve

Lance V.D. Thimberhoeve

Lupytta Scatle Lupytta Scatle

Lupytta Scatle

Johnny Scatle Johnny Scatle

Johnny Scatle

Lady Andrea Scatle Lady Andrea Scatle

Lady Andrea Scatle

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